This is the latest album by Professor B and is now available to stream or purchase from all these places:
Also available from:
Hi, I’m Professor B and welcome to my website.
I perform my own music which I record and release digitally. I do everything myself - compose, perform, record, mix, master and release.
I hope you will listen and enjoy what I have to offer.

I have been busy putting together my third album - Demon in the Floor. This album, as you may have gathered from its cover, contains some themed songs.

As well as promoting my albums on this website, I thought that I would also have a section on production to help others who liked the idea of doing the same as I have. I'm not a professional producer but I'd like to think that I can be of some help to someone out there. For those interested in the technical side of how my music is produced and released, you can visit the Production section. I will consider expanding this section in the future if there is enough interest.
Making music on a budget while maintaining a normal working and family life is not easy - especially when you are learning how to mix and master at the same time but that’s part of the adventure. I try to make the best of what I have in the hope that I will be able to re-invest in better equipment and instruments for the next time.
Some years back I also wrote a Hi-Fi kit building website called Mostly Audio which may be of interest to some.